Monday, September 15, 2008


My new favoritest thing is Redbox. I'd been hearing about them but figured in my little Midwest town we didn't have them. Then...the other day I was leaving HyVee and there it was...our very own Redbox! For those of you who don't know yet what Redbox is it's a cheap little way to rent movies. Basically it's a big red box/machine where you use a touch screen to pick the movie you want to watch...and the best's only a buck! That's right $1.00 for one night! They have them all stores, McDonalds drive thru's, etc. Just depends on where you live. You can return them anywhere too. Say you rent one at our local South Walmart and then the next day are at the HyVee on 40th and Old can return it there. Check out Redbox for more info and sign up with your email to get your first movie free. Also, check out ThisList for promotional codes that you can enter at the kiosk for a free movie. I've rented twice now and both were free! I think Mondays and Wednesdays are free all the time. You do need to have a credit card with you in order to rent the movie. Even if you have a promo code they'll still ask you to scan your credit card in case you don't return the movie on time or keep it longer than 25 days, in that case it's yours to keep forever.